"Hope is a Woman who has lost her fear" Back

Mrs Gauri Tiwari
(Regional President)


At the outset, I would like to convey my best wishes to all the members of AWWA family. I am impressed by the good work that AWWA functionaries are doing in Eastern Command in diverse areas like Skill Training, Inclusive Education, Health Awareness, Patient Welfare, Environment and Marital Counselling besides looking after the needs of FAFA families and Veer Naris. I compliment all ladies for their active involvement and hard work.

At Eastern Command, we look at the role of AWWA as being inspirational and enabling and not merely a supportive one. Towards this aim, we work tirelessly at harnessing the vast talents of Army Wives and creating as many opportunities as possible for them to engage in meaningful and fulfilling activities. Some of the areas in which many of our wives are contributing significantly are Community Outreach Programs, Patient Welfare, Workshop for Pre-Primary teachers, Waste Management and Counselling. We have set up Resource Rooms at various schools in Eastern Command.

The FWO is an excellent forum for Army Families to connect and bond with each other. Therefore FWO meets need to be more meaningful and encouraging. We are very proud of our FWOs for the good work that they are doing in their own areas of responsibility and adding to the happiness quotient in their station.

In the coming days, we rededicate ourselves to the goals of the AWWA and promote welfare at all levels.

Jai Hind.

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