1. Golden Key Asha School, Birpur was established in November 1994 under the aegis of 14 Infantry Division at Birpur Cantonment, Dehradun. The students comprise of children with special needs, primarily wards of army personnels (both serving and retired), Central Armed Police Forces, Central and State government employees and civilians. From a humble beginning with one room and two students, the school has grown to its present stature, where it provides specialised education to an average strength of 45 - 50 children with special needs. It makes extensive use of Special Teaching Aids, Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Sensory Integration Therapy and Vocational Training.
2. The School is Registered with Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MOSJE) Since 10 Jun 1998 and also Recognised with the Uttarakhand Societies under the Scocieties Registration Act 1860 and Directorate of Social Welfare Haldwani under the Persons with Disability Act 1995 as a Rehabilitation Centre for the Persons with Disability.